Play rhyming games with your kiddos! This can be done any where any time!
Play “I Spy” with my little eye … a car! What rhymes with — car? See if you can think of a list of words real or silly together! Some examples — CAR – star, far, tar, (those happen to be real words) But you can also say things like – CAR – char, clar, dar, gar ( those are definitely silly!) Repeat as many times as you can with different “I Spy” items – that is UNTIL you reach your destination – and keep it FUN!
Play “KNOCK OUT” Pull out 3 different little toys or objects! Such as a fish, dish, and something square! (It can be any 3 things as long as 2 of them rhyme) Say each object slowly and have child repeat you.
If they are just learning – help them understand that “fish & dish” end with the same sounds (-ish) but square ends with a different sound so let’s “KNOCK IT OUT”! (You can then have child gently or energetically get rid of the non rhyming object) Repeat as many times as you like with different items – as long as child is interested and having FUN!
Very much like “I Spy”…but use the food you are eating to start or the names of people at the table. So for example… What rhymes with – Tim? Answers again can be real or silly like – Kim, him, sim, fim etc. Or what rhymes with – chicken? Answers could be things like – licken, quicken, sticken, tricken etc. You get the idea!
It’s AMAZING how reading starts with hearing all the sounds and how they can be changed into something new! Sound games are a FUN way to start getting your child ready to READ!